
HIOB (JOB): Ritual-Opera for four voices, chamber ensemble and electronics

In September of 2023, vodeon recorded excerpts of the new opera by Christopher Verworner with a libretto by Konstantin Parnian. Follow us on Social Media to see and hear our recordings soon!

Christopher Verworner, Composition & Musical Direction
Konstantin Parnian, Libretto & Dramturgy

Antonio Di Martino, Hiob (Job)
Berthold Schindler, Die andere Stimme Hiobs (Job’s other voice)
Henrike Henoch, Die Botschaft (The Message)
Hana Katsenes, Die Erzählung (The Narration)

Ronja Sophie Putz, Violin
Jakob Roters, Cello
Anna Werner, Horn
Jakob Rumpf, Trombones
Janko Rašeta, Guitar
Maximilian Hirning, Bass
Philip Dornbusch, Drumset
Patrick Stapleton, Percussion
Benedikt Kurz, Timpani
Paul Bießmann, Synthesizer
Benjamin Geyer, Synthesizer

Elli Neubert, Director & Staging Concept
Johanna Winkler, Costume & Staging Concept
Anima Henn, Performance & Staging Concept
Felix Miller, Live Video

Stefan Schnurr, Sound Engineer
Hans Weiß, Lights & Tech Management
Richard Schwartz, Production Management

On January 15, 2023 vodeon presented The Orchestra of Pianos in the Herkulessaal of the Munich Residence. All three of Munich’s major newspapers reviewed the event!


Süddeutsche Zeitung

Münchner Merkur - not available online

Buy our debut CD “The Evening Primrose” here!

Listen NOW to our debut album “The Evening Primrose”!


Apple Music


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